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Infinite Poem excerpts:


It turns things upside down, throws down the old, brings in the new-


But is it beneficial where we raft through flowers running home, ancestors, ancestors wisdom, nourishing us, lighting the way.


Enfolded in loving arms, flowing trends send if priceless objects of grandeur.


What can I say?


In alphabetic symbols which all can interpret or not.


Guide us along the way-


I smell the crushed ginger-


Multigenerational musings-


Do and say what you know to be right.




Created collectively by Zoom calls with seniors on May 18, 2020



Sparks exchanging glances

Glittery stars on 2 sides

You are the light

Like a pair of scissors made from glitter.


Pulses reverberating to stay

While you might feel your flame flicker with the wind

You'll keep burning bright

Go with the flow

Qui Sèmé le vent récolte le tempo.


I walk along the edge of my insanity and imagination

And now let the wild rumpus start.

The middle ground CROSS FIRE

Into the cosmos

Fun times

Beyond compare

Thou art beautiful

​Created collectively by Counterpulse Gala Attendees on Thursday May 16, 2019



Dance under raining coffee

Dreaming about the need for a home

I need robot houses

Chinese Here


More Peace and <3



Amor per el Tenderloin.


The TL is where it's at!!

Russian here

The Tenderloin Way.


Georgian Here


Created collectively by Tenderloin community members for Safe Streets for Seniors Day at Boeddeker Park on April 26, 2019




Don't over think it

Gridless walks of outward thoughts drain into one

If there was a now, it swims in and under quiet rocks and fish, mouths open, infinite and patient and waiting for you.


There is nothing new under the sun

To be...

That's it.


Created collectively by Tenderloin community members at Sunday Streets on April 14, 2019




Our poem began smoldering today, even though we wrote it with non-incendiary words. A really hot fireman reassured us ~ "your ideas were not explosive, exactly; just a tad inflammatory... I'll check your embers later... "


We fostered a sense of belonging among ourselves.


Dry at noon, in LA, second life swimming.


Toward the sunshine of tomorrow.


This bay's fog still smoldering with the street smoke -- I ain't awake yet.


My home had just caught FIRE.


Life is full of dreams. That's all.


Created collectively by Tenderloin community members

at the CounterPulse Block Fest on March 1, 2019

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